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LAB說明 ( LAB description)
網域名稱/ Domain Name: urcloud.biz
USER: TEST1 在/at DC1
USER: TEST2 在/at DC2
當送出簽核需求時, TEST1使用者會收到EMAIL.然後前往網頁勾選同意,接著在系統上會看到簽核流程走完一半(因為此流程只有2站, TEST1第1站,接著流到TEST2 :第2站); TEST1簽核完後, TEST2會收到EMAIL.在TEST2使用者簽核完畢後,整個流程即結束,管理者接著可以回到管理界面看這個部份的結果. 此範例以一個附帶文件做為簽核的文件
When admin sent the requirement of approval, user test1 will receive the email, and then who can select agree on the homepage which url was attached in this email. after user1 sign-off on the webpage, and admin can see the process has completed 50% on the administrative page. (it’s due to this process only needs two guys to sign!); when user1 completed, user2 also will receive the email, and then after completing this sign-off, the process end.
administrator can go back to administration interface to see the result of this approval process. in the example, we attach a file to be sign-off document.